Hello everybody, labour day is just around the corner. Cibailang have done some homework for the past few weeks and today, after a few rounds of poker game, […]
Pantun Geylang
Jalan-jalan sampai ke Geylang, Ada ayam ada helang; Bila helang sedang bergoyang, Ayam pun menjerit jangan!! Jalan-jalan sampai ke Geylang, Pakcik-pakcik macam helang; Sampai ke Geylang makan kerang, […]
what is hentai dubbing?
Hentai is ‘Bian Tai’ in chinese, a perverted in English, is one of Japanese culture’s main export and most important contribution to the AV and Anime world. I […]
cibailang’s trip to botanical garden
cibailang yesterday went to botanical garden and was amazed at how some flowers actually look very similar to cibai. So to share with you guys, cibailang today post […]
Phone Argument in Singapore
a bangla prank calls a singapore ahbeng hu calls bak n have an argument wif him already well nown thru da net lyrics: bangla:halo? ahbeng:halo! bangla:ya? ahbeng:eh u […]
extreme sports for cibailang
it’s every man’s wish to participate in extreme sports and cibailang also sure like to play everything rough lahh! one extreme sport cibailang always dream of trying is […]
My Birthday at Hooters with Hooter Babes
A few days back was my birthday, it was also my last day at work. Coincidence eh? My superb ex-colleagues took me out for a birthday dinner at […]
Sorry for the long overdue – Cibailang Viewers
A very very sorry to all cibailang viewers, cibaihuat and tulanling veli busy recently and one thing that we were doing was redesigning the cibailang.com so i wish […]
Henshin Demo using Osim Slimming Belt (Black)
Today limpek finally found something that limpek had researched for quite some time about Kamen Rider (baja hitam) n really hope this info useful to every baja hitam […]
How To Fail Sejarah The Easy Way in SPM
Last time in secondary school, cibailang -N 3 L- veli lazy, never like to study History, but always excel in drawing class. One day, when SPM trial exam […]