Any takers? Becoming a makeup artist ??
Hamsup dog – A real case of a dog who likes CIBAI
And a very well trained cibai sniffing dog!!
cibai heartless woman – this girl should burn in hell
Click on the image to view next pic or just wait, this is a slide show. This cibai girl should burn in hell, and if she ever reincarnates, […]
cibailang superman act
A stunt gone bad….. real badd…. look at the blood on the floor.
Texting While Driving – You know you shouldn’t do that
Some chicks texting while driving, and the aftermath shown vividly in this video. So if you really need to text, don’t do it when u r driving, you […]
Golden Ferrari Spotted in Paris
Red is the colour of Ferrari, but Gold??? GOLDEN Ferrari, Ferrari with body made of REAL GOLD?? Who on earth would buy and have a Ferrari custom made […]
Are u smart enough game
The aim of the game, get the frogs across each other. The ones on the left will move to the right and vice versa. I did it! So […]
Into My Plastic Bones Video
GUys check out this cool video!! Observe the singers and their antics!!
World CIBAI Day
I wonder, I really wonder, what triggered the sudden interest in Microsoft Cibai like 2 months or so ago. To be exact, 19th May 2009. Well, as far […]