cibailang yesterday went to botanical garden and was amazed at how some flowers actually look very similar to cibai. So to share with you guys, cibailang today post […]
My Birthday at Hooters with Hooter Babes
A few days back was my birthday, it was also my last day at work. Coincidence eh? My superb ex-colleagues took me out for a birthday dinner at […]
Sorry for the long overdue – Cibailang Viewers
A very very sorry to all cibailang viewers, cibaihuat and tulanling veli busy recently and one thing that we were doing was redesigning the so i wish […]
Henshin Demo using Osim Slimming Belt (Black)
Today limpek finally found something that limpek had researched for quite some time about Kamen Rider (baja hitam) n really hope this info useful to every baja hitam […]
cibailang’s Elmo in the office
Show u my Elmo in the office My elmo likes to pose in the office, everyday you can see him posing differently This is one of his favourite […]
Chinese New Year Greetings from Cibailang
Cibailang wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!!! May the pig year bring you lots of good fortune and happiness!!!
Show me the money this Chinese New Year
Today, I’m gonna tell you guys why the 4 characters, zhao, cai, jin and bao are combined into one word. You would see this especially during Chinese New […]
another artwork for chinese new year :)
Well, found this across the net, in a forwarded e-mail. Seems like someone out there share the same hobby as cibailang where they use orange skin to make […]
cibailang art project for chinese new year
Chinese new year is coming soon, less than 3 weeks from today. Talking about Chinese New Year, Mandarin Oranges is something not to be missed. It’s a culture […]
cibailang and chain letters
Do u ever get Chain e-mails, claiming that you’ll actually be richer, happier, the one you always dreamt of will finally love you or at least put an […]