Hi Guys, I found the Chor Dai Dee game and knowing that its such a famous game, I put it up in the cibailang games folder, you guys […]
To ipod users: Please beware of this machine. Do not go near it!!!
Please keep your ipod away from this machine!!! [youtube]B8H29jU8Wrs[/youtube] Ouuuccchhhhh!!!!! This is so hurt!!! But I like it, yeah!!! yup~ this is mine.. ^^
The real CIBAI lang , not cibailang.com cibaiLang
MP in Malaysia are really making a fool out of themselves, considering they are actually representative of their constituency and kampung or town or city or whatsoever, the […]
super keng ~ very offensive but worth a look
[youtube]6PmAP8GsJjk[/youtube] ini video bukan saya buat, saya tinggal singapore jugak, tapi ini menunjukkan orang lain punya feeling. Memang ada betul, ada tarak, tapi….. Well, Singaporeans : after seeing […]
The small red dot will host f1 in 2008
The small red dot will host f1 in 2008 congr8 spore! finally u brought f1 here. and it cool 2 have a night street race! the 1st in […]
Toilet Paper – Some History on it
Before starting this topic, I would like to thank the Chinese for inventing paper, for without paper, there will not be toilet paper to modern man and indeed, […]
We are the Champions!! Hail the Red Devils!
It’s a night to be remembered, after missing the Premiership Crown for 3 seasons, Manchester United is champions of the English Premiership once again!!!! Congratulatios Man U!!! You […]
A note to all who celebrate Labour Day : Centenarians
We all work, whether you are a student, a teacher, a trader, a full-time blogger, a policeman, a politician, a prostitute, an engineer, a designer or whatever, living […]
Cibailang launches a cibailang dictionary
Hello everybody, labour day is just around the corner. Cibailang have done some homework for the past few weeks and today, after a few rounds of poker game, […]
what is hentai dubbing?
Hentai is ‘Bian Tai’ in chinese, a perverted in English, is one of Japanese culture’s main export and most important contribution to the AV and Anime world. I […]