The cartoon, created by Sean Delonas and printed in Wednesday’s New York Post, shows police shooting a chimp dead, then saying: “They’ll have to find someone else to […]
Why young kids shouldn’t celebrate Valentine’s day
Here’s why. The cibaikia below is officially a father at the age of 13. yes, u got me right, 13!!!!! Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 13 […]
hmm hmm hmmm ~ show me some kindness.. please
Photo courtesy of lcw So this is what one might see in the MRT, well, this is not an unusual sight in the Singapore MRT. A society filled […]
Katak vs Belimbing
Talking about frogs and star fruit, what similarities do u see in them? Well, for a start, we can see only differences. Katak is frog and is also […]
what will happen when restructuring happens to these companies?
i’m lovin it??? step by step… Oooh Baby… Xerox running out of toner Just do it? Bad Year, The flying shoe Brand Ford -> Fail? Cisco aka Fiasco […]
Chat Bots and u
On the internet, not ony humans exist, apart from us, human beings, another kind of digital lifeform exists, they are aptly called BOTs or short for Robots. Bots […]
Child Prostitution in The Philippines
Child Prostitution in the Philippines By: Andrea Cantarini below is an excerpt from the slideshow with a bit of comment. There are four hundred to five hundred thousand […]
Fatwa-fatwa akan datang
This is taken off the Internet, got it from a forwarded email. Please read it and rethink about our society. Makin hari umat Islam makin ditindas dan dikongkong. […]
Japan – The Land of cuteness
I went to Japan recently for 2 weeks. Seen a lot of nice things of Japan and greatly in love with the country. Apart from the Cock Tempura […]
Primate Behaviour in Human
Suddenly got interested in knowing more about human behaviour. Hence, I went to look for clues about the possible topics of primate behaviour and its relation with human […]