sometimes japanese creativity brought us a lot of useful products, for example, the walkman, the Playstation, Doraemon, fun fun anime, but this one…….. i can only say it’s […]
Jack Sparrow and L’Jiao and Caribbean Poker
This conversation migh not be related to the picture above… Princesa L’Jiao: i’m a very mean, petty and bitchy person Cibai Jack : I always welcome mean petty […]
Cibai Exposed OUTSIDE AN INDIAN Restaurant
This is another case of public exposed genitals errrrr …… OUTSIDE AN INDIAN RESTAURANT I like the design of the logo, especially the letter V, looks cool! I […]
cibai exposed in the bakery
Let’s see the cake or pastry, I wish i have a girl friend who works as a pastry chef, so I can eat this kind of pastry everyday. […]
something exposed during my poker game!!!
Hello guys and girls, What is poker? Is poker so fun, you bet it is! Recently i was in a poker session with ma friends and the game […]
something exposed again on Cibailang!!!!
it’s been a long time since we expose things on cibailang. today we have a new exposed thing to show everyone! Please becareful when u play sport that […]
Download Chor dai dee game ~~~
Hi Guys, I found the Chor Dai Dee game and knowing that its such a famous game, I put it up in the cibailang games folder, you guys […]
The real CIBAI lang , not cibaiLang
MP in Malaysia are really making a fool out of themselves, considering they are actually representative of their constituency and kampung or town or city or whatsoever, the […]
super keng ~ very offensive but worth a look
[youtube]6PmAP8GsJjk[/youtube] ini video bukan saya buat, saya tinggal singapore jugak, tapi ini menunjukkan orang lain punya feeling. Memang ada betul, ada tarak, tapi….. Well, Singaporeans : after seeing […]