kan ni nia ci bai
My friend need a new job – This is his resume
Resume Date prepared: 9 March 2008(12.00 am) Personal Particular Name: Samy Vellu Age: 72 Sex: Male Race: Please see my name Correspondence address: Kementerian Kerjaraya, Putra Jaya.( Not […]
Rasa Sayang Eh — Rasuah Sayang eh
Rasuah sayang eh Rasuah Sayang Sayang eh, He lihat Pak Lah tidur Rasa sayang sayang eh, Budak mongolia di luar pagar, Ambil C4 tolong bombkan, Saya budak baru […]
Malaysian 12th General Election – cibailang’s observation
Cibailang kengchau lived in jakarta for 4 years. Here i witnessed first hand account of a society which had lived with the nightmare of a massacre about 10 […]
is Singapore vandalism free?
The answer is no, some cibaikia actually did this to Jackie Chan’s head. the person who beheaded Jackie must have been Jackie’s biggest fan who would be hanging […]
why u shouldn’t throw cigarette end at will
You know why you shouldn’t just throw the cigarette end at will ? Here’s why. You will choke Mr Siew Keong
coffee without the touch of evil capitalism
Lessons in Capitalism perhaps if setarbak charges starbuck prices they can build an empire in time to come? *footnote this setarbak kopi is from malaysia and not indonesia
i will miss you my dear tooth
today i said goodbye to my 20 ++ year old buddy. Goodbye! I will miss you forever! To all cibailang readers out there, please take good care of […]