Drink!! Look how evil are the people around him!!! hahahah! Well, I was too!
Primate Behaviour in Human
Suddenly got interested in knowing more about human behaviour. Hence, I went to look for clues about the possible topics of primate behaviour and its relation with human […]
Very Sexy Girls Spotted at Car Show!
The sexy girls will blow away your minds man! See them at your own risk! . . . . . . beware! . . . . . . […]
A Very Cibai Fund Raising Event
How would you have a fundraiser for HIV virus and AIDS? Do it the Japanese way! You might ask, HOW? Let me give you a clue. It is […]
Thousand Apologies From Cibailang.com
Halo dear readers. Long time no cibai post liao. We were busy with projects. Before March election, we created a site, just to get feedback from the public […]
Singapore Night Festival
managed to take some videos at the singapore night festival. have fun! [youtube]jeqckXOq_hM[/youtube] [youtube]PpFfW4eV5og[/youtube] [youtube]UFRaDSSsMZg[/youtube]
Man U vs Chelsea
Champions League Final Man U vs Chelsea Red Devils against Blue Devils Which devil will win the coveted cup???
cibai girl eat lanciao cake
banana man said : Should eat my banana instead, the lanciao cake so fattening, eat banana healthier lah!
Amazing Coincidences
Read this on the net and found it pretty amusing sharing with all of you. #James Dean’s car curse In September 1955, James Dean was killed in a […]
why visiting a museum is interesting
today cibailang kengchau and tulanling, now called misailing went to the singapore national museum coz today is the last day of the greek exhibition. at the main door, […]