Today, while browsing at our visitor log file, I’ve seen a rather funny link, so my mind told me to go straight to check what the heck is the link all about. In the end of the inquiry, I have come to kno that the site pointing back is a Language translation company, some company in Midvalley who makes translation softwares. Cibaihuat is also very good at translating documents, so if you guys need any translation work, you can contact us too, we will make sure that your article will be custom made to order, to the level of ‘cibainess’ that you want. 😛 kekeke
However, the motive we have today is not to tell you that we CBL is capable of translating, but it’s to let you see how this site actually translate our site into Malay. And all I can say is, it’s working, but not 100% :), masih perlu diperbaiki.
First of all, it’s about the days of the week, we all know that Mon Tues, Wed are supposed to be Isnin, Selasa and Rabu, but your engine has failed to determine that this word Wed is Rabu instead of Kahwin and Sat is not duduk, it’s Sabtu. 😛
Hip Hop is a word, it’s not Hop Pinggul as your engine has perceived, you might need to add your entries on some of the latest words and lingo.
One thing I notice you translated correctly without fail throughout the translation was the translation for the word cibai, yes, in Malay, they call it Cibai too!!!
Yes, we are offensive, but we don’t do porn, not even soft porn, but we do some other kind of art, which we call it as cibaiart, the highest degree of cibainess you can find in making you think that it’s cibai but actually it’s not.
to check out the link press here
Really cannot tahan the engine translate that thing to
Dilakukan Cibailang satu langkah kombo hebat untuk cibai watak permainan!! Damn kengchau leh!!! Cibai perlu ada sengsara lotsa sakit!!!
This is the first time I find that learning Malay is fun.
Learning languages is fun, provided you are interested in it. and i think if u see this earlier, you’d likely to score an A in your exams 🙂