kanne, came across this in office today. My friend came and asked me to translate some chinese words on the back of this pack of art project kinda stuff.
- 彩色颜料和珍珠切勿入口
- 干后若有珍珠脱落,补涂胶水,粘上彩珠
- 作品完成后需平置桌面上自然阴干
literally, it should be translated this way
- Do not put the beads (sand) into your mouth
- If the sand and particles drop off when the glue is dry. Apply more glue and stick the sand on the surface again.
- Dry the artwork on a flat surface in a cool and dry room.
But let’s see how the piece of info is translated by these cibailangs
here goes
Dry == Fuck ?